Monday, June 7, 2010

Love Will Find You... by KISSCHANEL!

We’re always looking for the perfect relationship but look for the wrong qualities to fulfill one. The goal is to find that perfect someone to who will make our lives better place to be, not a better place to look at. Love can be the sweetest thing but also can be bitter at the same time. I think someone need to really go through all the ups and downs of relationships to truly learn what love is about. I did realize a couple things about myself during my years of dating & trying to find “Mr. Right”: I needed a lot of fixing. Once I realized that, starting my process of becoming a better person, I found happiness within myself, without the aide of a man. Things that I thought mattered before, don’t matter to me now. The trials and tribulations that I’ve been through the past year have humbled me greatly. So, with this new found humbleness that I hone, came along people & things that I wouldn’t have noticed before.


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