Saturday, July 3, 2010


CIARA came to the defense of THE DREAM despite his not so favorable commentary on her career and new album Basic Instincts. After Ci-Ci’s fans let THE DREAM have it via Twitter, he got rid of his entire account and got out of dodge.

Parlour magazine asked The Dream if Ciara’s forthcoming album “Basic Instinct” is her last shot at stardom and he said: “You only get so many times to, and I won’t say fail, but not achieve. There’s an expectation of where Ciara should be in her career. To others, she’s achieved but not to us, because we saw where her career was headed.”


Angela Yee asked Ciara about it and while she admitted The Dream’s comments “came out wrong” she insisted that there’s no bad blood between the two. “Let me tell you one thing about Dream, if you don’t know him you’ll misunderstand him,”Ciara said in his defense. “One thing about him is he has a big heart, you know so he never means to come from the wrong place however sometime when he speaks, he might say something and it comes off a certain way. So I talked to him and I really got on him. I was like ‘yo what are you talking about!? I don’t even understand what you’re trying to say.’ But we talked about it. We’re like family…it did come out wrong but it’s all love. We’re like brother and sister.”


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