Sunday, October 30, 2011


Singer/Actress JLO is Glamour Magazine's woman of the year for the December issue. In this issue Miss Jenny From The Block shares info on her lifestyle & what she has learned from her divorce from Singer Marc Anthony.

On her personal style:
The things I liked when I was, like, 16 and in the Bronx jeans, cut-up T-shirt I still like. But I've been exposed to so much now from traveling the world and seeing couture clothes. I used all of that when I created my new line for Kohl's. My style has come from everything, from where I started to where I am today.
On her lesson on love and relationships:
 I think I've finally learned the biggest lesson of all. You got to love yourself first. You got to be OK on your own before you can be OK with somebody else. You got to value yourself and know that you're worth everything. And until you value yourself enough and love yourself enough to know that, you can't really have a healthy relationship.

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