Thursday, November 10, 2011


In the upcoming issue of Men's Health Magazine, Nick talks about how he improved  his dad skills, his a assertiveness , and how he loves the confidence of a powerful woman:

Men’s Health: You’re about 6 months into your new gig as a first-time dad. Can anything truly prepare guys for that role?
Nick Cannon: You know what? You talk to your parents. That’s probably what I did the most. It gives me even greater respect for my parents, just because I never thought about what they were going through when I was a youngster. I feel like everyone who raised me did a great job, so why not get the best advice for them?
MH: Is it fun, in a sense, that you and Mariah sometimes have no clue what you’re doing as parents?
NC: I think I’m actually built for fatherhood. I love to have a good time and play, but at the same time I’ve got a really serious side to me, and I think that’s the balance you have to have. Get on your kids’ level, but at any point in time, let them know who the parent is. You have to understand balance, and be willing to grow and learn from them daily.
MH: A lot of men say they lose some of their mojo after settling down and starting a family.
NC: Oh man, I think it’s the exact opposite. Obviously my wife has made me such a better person. She’s made me more attentive. She’s made me more detail-oriented. She’s made me more caring and loving. And from that, I’ve become sexier. I’ve noticed that I get a lot more attention now. After all, they always say that married men are more attractive than single men.
MH: Mariah’s such a strong-willed woman with really high standards. What advice do you have for men who want to date someone like that?
NC: I think it takes a strong man to be in a relationship with a strong woman. A lot of people hear the word “diva” and think of it as a negative. I see it as a positive. I want somebody who knows what they want out of life and isn’t afraid to show it. Confidence is probably the sexiest thing to me, and my wife is definitely confident. But it can be intimidating if you’re not a strong individual—and I’m up for the task.
MH: What’s the realest thing you talk about in your new standup special, “Mr. Showbiz?”
NC: Probably how I deal with people calling me “Mr. Mariah.”
MH: Okay, Mr. Mariah. How do you deal with it?
NC: I embrace it! There are a lot worse things I can be called, and I love the fact that people refer to me as that. You want to call me a boy toy? Damnit, I’ll be the best boy toy I can possibly be. I’ll be the boy toy with the kung-fu grip.

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