Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jackie Christie’s "BasketBallWivesOf LA" Daughter Puts Her on BLAST

Jackie was seen working overtime and a half to ensure that her mother (who had cancer) was able to witness her 50/11th marriage to her husband, Doug. Sadly, Jackie’s mother passed away this week and while I most certainly DO send my condolences, I have to say that I spent an ample amount of time side eyeing her quick tears on the show.

Allow me to explain. Although there is no way that you can dictate someone’s emotions or how they’ll deal with death should they be forced to do so, it was justsomething about her tears/crying scenes that seemed forced to me…like it wasn’t coming from a genuine place. While watching the show with folks on Twitter, I almostsaid something about it but figured I wouldn’t be disrespectful to her, especially as she’s dealing with a situation such as losing a loved one.
Which brings me to the tea….

Jackie Christie apparently has a 22 year old daughter named Ta’kari Lee (from a previous marriage) who’s blogging and saying that all the tears and happy sh*t that you see on TV aren’t real. In a blog from last month, she talks about her mother’s alleged treatment of her grandmother.
So Finally The First Episode Airs… And Honestly.. I Can’t Believe They Are Trying So Hard… You Guys All Recognized The Voice That Opened The Show Right…?
The Scene About My Grandma and Her Cancer..SmH.. I am Not Doubting That She Was Sad About My Grandmas Condition…But I Wonder If Tanya Talking About Cherishing The Memories U Have With The People U Love Hit A nerve For Her… She Knows Like My Grandma And I Know – My Grandma Was Always Being Disrespected and Treated Badly… And The Same Way I compare My Relationship With My Mom Like Being In A Violent Relationship – Although My Mom Was NOT Physically Abusive… She Was Very Mentally and Verbally Abusive – Not Just To Us Kids But My Grandma As Well… She Would Lash Out At Us And Make Us Feel So Low Then Try To Correct It With Other Things..Like An Abusive Husband Beating Your Ass And Then Buying U Flowers Or Gifts..
I Can’t Help But Think Back To The Many Times I Watched My Grandma Boo Whoo Over Some Of The Things My Mom Said And Did To Her.. And My Moms Tears Don’t Compare To My Grandmas Pain.. I have Begged my grandma..”Slap The Broad and Tell Her U R HER Mother “… Or Had To Stand Up To My Mom MYSELF For The Both of Us… And Even In Sickness – She Hasn’t Made The Move To Make A Better Relationship With Her Mom.. And That’s Why My Terminally Ill Grandma and Sister (The One Who Dedicates Her Life To Taking Care Of My Grandma) Left My Mother A Letter And Drove With My Cousin And Her Two Babies From California To Washington.. My Grandma Is On Oxygen And Very Weak And My sister and Cousin Rescued Her Like She Asked… U Guys Have To Hear The Story Which Will Follow This Blog…
My Mom Freaking Out asking Tanya Who The Fuck R U… Was Comical..LOL I Was Yelling At The TV Screen Like Who The Fuck R U????????… LOL.. A LiAR…
I Also Like How My Mother Introduced Herself And Mentioned I Have Three Kids A 21 Yr. Old Daughter, a 18 yr. Old Daughter, and 10 yr. Old Son… What About “I’m Also A Proud Grandma Of Two – A Two Yr. Old and A 9 month Old?”- Or R U Not Proud?? Keep It Real.. I Don’t Believe In Abortion – Grandma Raised Me – Knowing If U Fuck For Em U Fend For Em…Do U Feel Otherwise?
Looking Forward To Next Week and Believe Me It Will B Alot More To Discuss As The Season Goes On…
U Won’t Believe Some Of The Things That Were Going On Behind The Camera..

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